
We capture between 500-1000 shots per session, then narrow it down to the best 50-100 shots.

Each session is given their own private client proofing area where you can mark any shots private that you don’t want anyone ever seeing.


In Studio

We capture between 500-1000 shots per session, then narrow it down to the best 50-100 shots.

Each session is given their own private client proofing area where you can mark any shots private that you don’t want anyone ever seeing.



Standard session fees are $4000 per session but if there are multiple events/sessions you are throwing my way, upwards of 3-4 sessions per month or your venue is interested in bringing me in as resident photographer, I'll slash my regular rate in half.

Contact me


Is my first shoot comped?

If I think you are a group that I might see myself doing high caliber work with in the future and I don't have a conflicting paid shoot or project I will consider comping the first shoot as an opportunity to interview you and learn about the way that you perceive the role and craft that photography plays within the design process.

Do you shoot destination weddings, showers, funerals or pageants?

I defer to cultural events, concerts, edgy or subterranean and professional events. So no funerals, showers, weddings or pageants.

If you have a concept for an event which you would like help with experience planning please reach out.

Will there be a second shooter?

While I may need to have an assistant with me, I'll be the only one shooting.

Will you work for free if I'm a non-profit or charity?

I have many charity causes I contribute to but contributing my time as a work exchange is very rarely the vehicle I use in order to do the most good in life.
So yes, don't ask.

Please see:

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Preferably not but I've been known to be flexible in the midst of a crisis.

What kind of gear do you use?

Leica and Minolta (Sony)

Do I have to order prints through you?

Digital prints may be printed through any vendor including your own printing process. The printing processes made available here come QA tested and recommended based upon cost and quality.

Ready to Begin?